D-Fend Reloaded: Download Hosted by SourceForge.net

Default package

If you do not know exactly with of the following packages you want to download, take the following package:

D-Fend Reloaded 1.4.4 installer

D-Fend-Reloaded-1.4.4-Setup.exe (15.3 MB)
This package contains D-Fend Reloaded 1.4.4 (Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese & Turkish), DOSBox 0.74 (including all currently avail language files) and the FreeDos commandline tools.

In the category Example games packages you can find some installation packages containing shareware and freeware games. This games are already preconfigurated to run with D-Fend Reloaded and DOSBox and can be installed with only 4 mouse clicks.

You can also create portable installations by selecting "Custom installation" and then "Portable mode" in the installer. (Or download the zip package from the Other packages section below.)

Update package

If you have an old D-Fend Reloaded installation, you can update it here:

D-Fend Reloaded 1.4.4 update package

D-Fend-Reloaded-1.4.4-UpdateSetup.exe (5.9 MB)
This package requires an existing D-Fend Reloaded installation and will update this installation to version 1.4.4. This package contains D-Fend Reloaded 1.4.4 (Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese & Turkish) and DOSBox 0.74 (including all currently avail language files).

A list of all changes from the previous version can be found in the changelog file.

Example games packages

The programs and games in this installation packages are all freeware and shareware (not abandonded ware). In the profile information of each program/game you can find the license information for it. If available there is also a homepage where to buy the game/programm for the shareware games/programs given.

This packages require an existing D-Fend Reloaded installation.

Programs package

D-Fend-Reloaded-DemoPackage1.exe (14.1 MB)
Freeware: 4DOS 7.61, Necromancer's Dos Navigator, Fasttracker 2, ScreamTracker 3.21, FreeDOS (Boot-Image), DOSBox Info (DB-Info 1.0.2), OpenGEM, VGA Copy 6.25
Shareware: AnsiDraw 3.0, The Draw 4.63

Adventure, roleplay and strategy games package

D-Fend-Reloaded-DemoPackage2.exe (10.9 MB)
Freeware: Beneath a Steel Sky, Beyond the Titanic, Supernova, The Adventures of Maddog Williams
Shareware: Castle Adventure, Super ZZT, Ancients 1: Deathwatch, Mystic Towers, Solar Winds

Action games package

D-Fend-Reloaded-DemoPackage3.exe (72.2 MB)
Freeware: Beast, Major Stryker, One Must Fall 2097, Overkill, Striker, Traffic Department 2192, Xenophage: Alien Bloodsport
Shareware: Highway Hunter, Kiloblaster, Raptor, Seek and Destroy, Tyrian 2000, Zone 66, Terminal Velocity, Epic Pinball, Extreme Pinball, Death Rally, Slicks'n'Slide, Wacky Wheels

Puzzle and board games package

D-Fend-Reloaded-DemoPackage4.exe (14.6 MB)
Freeware: Railroad Tycoon Deluxe, Adventures of Robbo, Game of Robot (Junior), Heartlight PC
Shareware/Demo: Magjongg VGA, Lemmings 3D Demo, Lemmings 3D Winterland Demo, Lemmings Demo, XMas Lemmings '91 Demo, XMas Lemmings '92 Demo, Brix, Game of Robot 1, Game of Robot 2, Game of Robot 3, Game of Robot 4, Paganitzu, Ramona das Apfelw�rmchen

First person games package

D-Fend-Reloaded-DemoPackage5.exe (22.8 MB)
Freeware: Ken's Labyrinth
Shareware: Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold, Duke Nukem 3D, Radix: Beyond the Void, Rise of the Triad, Shadow Warrior

Platform games package

D-Fend-Reloaded-DemoPackage6.exe (15.1 MB)
Freeware: Alien Carnage, Bio Menace, Electro Man, Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare, Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare 1995
Shareware: Commander Keen 1 (Marooned on Mars), Commander Keen 4 (Secret of the Oracle), Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, Crystal Caves, Duke Nukem 1, Duke Nukem 2, Halloween Harry, Hocus Pocus, Jazz Jackrabbit, Jill of the Jungle, Math Rescue, Monster Bash, Realms of Chaos, Secret Agent, Space Chase, Word Rescue, Xargon

Demo package

D-Fend-Reloaded-DemoPackage7.exe (124.4 MB)
Freeware: 119 demos

Other packages

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